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View Full Version : convert to number alert msg

01-23-2007, 06:44 PM
May I know how to programically convert to number when my values are stored as text.

Many Thanks.


01-23-2007, 08:44 PM
If your number formatted as text data is in cell A1, in cell B1 type in this formula =VALUE(A1)

If you have a column of numbers formatted as text data in column A, and column B is blank, you could highlight column A, click on Edit, Copy, and highlight column B, and click on Edit, Paste Special, in the 'Paste' area click on 'Values', and in the 'Operation' area click on 'Add', and then click on 'OK'.

Have a great day,

Bob Phillips
01-24-2007, 02:45 AM
I think an example will help to clarify.

01-24-2007, 04:37 AM
I think he meann to say:

Cell A= "One Hundred"
Cell B= "=value(CellA)"

And result he want is 100