View Full Version : Excel 2007 -- need help

02-22-2007, 10:28 AM
Hello Excel Gurus,

I use Excel 2000 still to build the functions and macros for the company huge pricelist, and today I heard from one coworker that his Excel 2007 cannot open the hidden lines from the pricelist. Those lines (rows) are anchored with a name and will unhide when user click on a macro button.
He said to make the many macros there work for his newer Excel, he "re-links" each macros to his workbook (and there are 30+ macros -- made me sick) and they work again. But that's excel-sacrilege!!

I'm aware that an older Excel version might not work with all the features from a newer Excel, say, Excel 2000 vs Excel 2007; but, his newer version should be fine with the features I set for the pricelist since I use an older Excel -- is this correct??? Please shed some light for me.

Thanks in advance,