View Full Version : Refresh All XMLMaps

03-13-2007, 08:08 AM

I have a workheet with many XMLMaps / Lists. I can refresh the data of each by right clicking and selecting XML "Refresh XML Data". This produces the following VBA if a Macro is recorded


In addition I can get a list of all of the XML Maps in the workbook by accessing the XML Source Window. (Data --> XML --> XML Source) This sidebar displays all of the XML maps in a dropdown as well as allowing you to create a new window by clicking the "XML Maps" button.

My question is.. How do I create a Macro that will refresh all of the XML Maps. I assume the solution would involve either getting the list of all maps and looping through it, or perhaps there is a more elegant solution. In either case I need help as I am stuck. Thanks!

03-13-2007, 01:15 PM
activeworkbook.refreshall ????

03-14-2007, 10:59 AM
Microsoft has a Excel 2003 XML Toolbox:

You can, quote "Quickly refresh all XML maps with bound data sources. "
Don't know weather this would help you or not.
