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View Full Version : toggleButtons

04-11-2007, 01:40 AM
Was considering using toggle buttons on a form so I had a read through the VB help. Here's what it said:

You can also use a ToggleButton inside a Frame to select one or more of a group of related items. For example, you can create an order form with a list of available items, with a ToggleButton preceding each item. The user can select a particular item by selecting the appropriate ToggleButton.

Not sure why the frame is mentioned at all. Didn't seem to matter that the toggle buttons were in a frame as they still work independent of each other. Am I missing something?

I wanted to click a toggle button, making it's value = True and it's wee friends' values False without having to do it explicitly in code.

Bob Phillips
04-11-2007, 04:16 AM
It certainly isn't necessary, and as Help says, you CAN ...

Can't say I use TGs myself, there always seems to be a better way to do it, and they are ugly little controls.

04-11-2007, 04:34 AM
I'm sure in Access the toggle buttons worked as a group automatically when they were in a frame so that you didn't have to set the non-selected ones to false in code.

Can't say I use TGs myself, there always seems to be a better way to do it, and they are ugly little controls.

yeah, I'd like to give it a miss. Not keen on them myself but it was a 'suggestion' from a superior.

Bob Phillips
04-11-2007, 04:47 AM
Stand your ground, show them there is a better way.

04-11-2007, 04:51 AM
I plan to.
