View Full Version : Code to issue a print command

04-12-2007, 06:35 AM

Can you please help?

I would like to write a code to issue a print command at certain path for example

Printout ?C\xxxx\xxxxx.pdf?

I tried hard here and every where in the net, can?t find anything??

I have scanned documents as pdf , I have the serial number of all documents in a table so I want to issue a command for a print with loop
All I need is how to issue a print command for existing files for example
I have myphoto.pdf in my ?C:\MyDocument? folder
So my code should be

Dim MyPath as String

MyPath = ?My c:\MyDocument\MyPhoto.pdf?


or Shell "C:\WINDOWS\system32\print.exe " & "C:\Cors\Incoming\5705.pdf"

Or something like that.

Thanks in advance,

04-16-2007, 09:36 PM
I found this (http://www.planetpdf.com/forumarchive/71602.asp), which uses a list box to loop through the files, but could be modified to get all pdfs in a folder.

In Access, Printout only applies to database objects.