View Full Version : Opening a form at a specific record from another form.

04-17-2007, 05:40 AM
All -

I am sure this may seem like a remedial function. However, I have a form that itself contains a series of subforms, most of them set to "continuous".

This is a project management database, so on each subform we may want to enter who the project manger is or who the applicant is. However, I dont need to see the adrress, name and phone of the applicant every time i open the main form. So i put a button on my subform, and was hoping that I could click it to bring up another form which has all the information for (lets say) the applicant (phone, adress, etc...)

If you open the database I've attached::

Open the 'Project Dashboard' form and select any project from the lsit along the top. Next click on the applicants tab. If there is no applicant, go ahead and add one. Now click on the 'View Edit' button. It bring up the form, and it has the right applicant in the combo box at the top, but it doesnt seem to have the correct related information in for below until you actually grab that applicant from the list and re-select it.

any sugguestions ?


eric :doh:

04-17-2007, 08:21 AM
eric, it appears to working OK, what was wrong when you used it?
I just opened the 575 5th Avenue which has the Applicants in already, do you mean that it doesn't work only when you add a new applicant?

04-17-2007, 08:46 AM
eric, I have it working now the Criteria was not correct, the syntax for Opening a Form with a matching record is very sensitive and needs to be correct.
I can see from your ApplicantsInfo form that you have been learning some VBA. :thumb

04-17-2007, 09:38 AM
Tony -

what would i do witout you ?
I've actually got quite a bit of experience in VBA, especially with Excel. I can program the hell out of that, but I'm mostly unfamiliar with the objects in Access, so at the moment I can only do simple things, and even that feels a bit like I'm stumbling around in the dark. I bought "Power Programming Access with VBA". Im unedrwhelmed.

thanks for taking a look! I'm goign to fidle and see how I can apply waht you did to the other tabs.

you're clearly the BEST.

04-17-2007, 09:53 AM
eric, I am no where the "best", just here and willing. :thumb