View Full Version : eliminate snooze reminder choice "5 minutes before start"

05-02-2007, 11:32 AM
I never, ever want this, ever, ever, ever. Which of course is why the flaming yahoos at Microsoft force it down my/everyone's throat.

Does someone know code that I can run at startup to search and destroy that characteristic, done upon Outlook startup? I'm aiming for a more sutable default, like "plain" 5 minutes. Is there a property in the calendar entry (moreover are all reminders driven from the calendar??) I am at least familiar with Application_Startup. Thanks. OL2003

05-08-2007, 06:36 AM
I dont think theres any way to remove that from the default dialog, or even change that as the default choice. A bit of searching online pointed me to a Outlook.Reminder object, which apparently has a Snooze method, but my lowly outlook 2000 is playing dumb.

Ok I just downloaded the outlook11 help file, and there is indeed a snooze method of a Reminder object. It doesnt change a default or anything, just simply snoozes a reminder X minutes. I suppose the only thing you could do is loop through any reminders you have coming up, and pop up your own reminder form? Seems like a lot of work, IMO, then again '5 minutes before start' is usually what I choose (I consider it a 'hey matt, go smoke before youre meeting' reminder)

But the short answer is no, you can't remove that option or change the default :(