View Full Version : Images in access

05-07-2007, 09:55 AM
I am using an access database in conjunction with VBA Word. I am pulling data from the database and put that data on a userform. The Text and Numbers are working fine. Now I want to add a picture next to its corresponding data. I used the OLE Object type and inserted the picture in access. I went to the form added the picture to the already existing code and a quick image field on the form. Now I receive an error message saying that I can not put the picture in the database. How can I get around this or accomplish this task?

Please help


05-08-2007, 05:39 AM
Please post the specific error message.

05-31-2007, 12:09 PM
I would suggest that you not store the image in the Access file. This has been shown to lead to massive database size bloat. Rather, store a path to image instead.

See these links:

06-01-2007, 05:25 AM
I agree with Zephid. Access supports only 2GB per database and then you're done. And if you are warehousing bitamaps or tiffs, you can chew that space suprisingly fast. Personally I store all of our imaged documents in a special directory and name them with a numeric primary key. Then in use vba to load them as needed into forms. This concept will work for word documents as well. Simply use the on_current event to load the image/document into an unbound control.
In the alternative you can make the image/doc not load until the user clicks a "view" button. This will perform faster obviously.