View Full Version : Hiding pages in Word

05-18-2007, 02:05 AM
Hi guys,

As the title says i am looking for a method to hide pages in word, whilst i am pretty sure this is impossible i thought if i explained my scenario someone may be able to come up with a suggestion.

Basically i am working on a project to combine 5 templates, they are all very similar and have lots of the same details.

I have developed a form that populates all the neccasary details but i am really struggling with the way to display the document. Out of the five files that are now combined i want to be able to only view one of them, even though they are all in the same document, is there anyway i can either hide pages or lock the screen so it can not scroll? (the screen locking may not be such a great idea as if users use a low resolution then they will lose the most the page)

Any help would be greatly appreciated as i have been racking my brains on this one.

Many thanks

05-18-2007, 09:49 AM
Hi Tim
How about setting a bookmark to encompass each section. You could then use code to set the font in unwanted sections to Hidden.

05-18-2007, 12:53 PM
What I want to know is...why? Are you possibly going to bring them back into view? If you are not, then simply delete the sections that are not applicable.

05-19-2007, 07:21 AM
Consider using styles. If the material to be hidden uses styles based on a common style, changing it to hidden (or white font) will make it disappear. You can either attach a different template or set up a button to toggle the style definition.

I've used this frequently for training materials: a single manual can contain the trainer and student notes, and the toggle turns off the trainer notes to print a student manual.

Be aware that hidden text will still be visible if a user toggles the View display.

05-21-2007, 01:13 AM
Thanks for the suggestions everyone, the reason i am trying to go down this path is because the people that to use this document would like it as easy as possible and they think that seeing all five of the templates in one document would possibly confuse the user.

I did manage to come up with a kind of solution but do not like it myself, basically the 5 templates are now in one file, each one of the 5 templates has there own form fields which allow editing, depending on which document they want enable the fields and disable all others. I also disabled the scroll bars and mouse wheel so they can not even scroll to another page without using the form.

Think i am going to pursue this technique a little further to see how it goes although disabling the mouse wheel using the API seems a little bit over the top so i might scrap that as has been proving a little buggy.

Thanks for your advice all and i will let you know how i get on.

Many thanks