View Full Version : year - 2 digits

05-27-2007, 11:24 PM
i have table.
it's define as a Short Date (XX/XX/XXXX)
i want that my date will be like this : XX/XX/XX
how can i define the date ?

05-28-2007, 07:09 AM
eran, Access actually stores Dates as a Number. What you have shown is the "Format" of the date, i.e. how it is displayed.
If you are viewing your data in a Form then you can't set it the way that you want without special formatting.
To do this you need an "unbound" text field and in it's control source you type -
=Left([Date],6) & Right([Date],2)

where [Date] is the actual name of your Date field.

05-28-2007, 05:44 PM
Why don't you set the format of the text box as "dd/mm/yy" (or "mm/dd/yy" depending on your preference)?