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View Full Version : Solved: UCase Procedure is converting formulas

05-28-2007, 05:45 PM
This caught me by surprise, I run this to change all text to uppercase. What I was not prepared for was that it converts number value formulas to their absolute values.
Can this be avoided, other than not running it on a particular range?

For Each cel In .Range("C16:L132")
cel = UCase(cel)
Next cel

If I do need to break my range up, Paul gave me an example how to perform on non-contiguous columns. But this loops through the cells.
If I want to break this up and do C16:F132 and K16:L132, can this be done w/ a union instead of running two separate loops?

05-28-2007, 06:00 PM
I just remembered Johnske showed me another way: