View Full Version : how not to include record already opened

07-13-2007, 07:11 AM

i have table "ect"
it has following fields.
A A C D status acoments bcomment

1 2 2 3 null
1 2 3 3 null
1 2 3 3 null
1 1 1 1 null
1 1 1 1 revew tl
1 1 1 1 review sme

there are 4 users for this ACCESS application.
user clicks pick pool button control goes to table ,only those records are assigned to user interface which has null in status field.

1st user logs in 1st record with null value is assigned to user while the 1st user is editing the record 2 nd user logs in so he should be assigned diffrent record which has null in status field NOT 1ST RECORD and WHILE 2 USER IS EDITING SO THIRD USER SHOULD BE ASSIGNED 3 RD RECORD AND so on.

07-14-2007, 04:07 AM
Have an extra field, boolean, called assigned. When a form is opened and the record is assigned to the person change the field to true. When the next person comes long have your recordset at all the false entries and give then then next record. and so forth,

07-15-2007, 05:51 AM
lest assume while editing the record i have made the boolean field to true but then editing is not finished yet but system is shutdown.logically that record should come again but it wont