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View Full Version : Sleeper: Filtered Dropdowns

11-28-2004, 01:31 PM
I am trying to make a quotation form with dropdown lists derived from a price list. However I want a second dropdown to be filtered based upon the selection from the first which only shows unique items. For example my price list looks like:

Manufacturer Model Description Price

Fluke 77 Digital Multimeter 33.00
fluke 87 Digital Multimeter 35.00
Agilent 34401A DMM 110.00
Tektronix TDS744A Oscilloscope 100.00
Tektronix 2245A Oscilloscope 85.00

As you can see, on my quote form, I would have a dropdown list under "Manufacturer" but I only want it to show each manufacturer once. Then I want a dropdown list for the "Model", this list would only show model numbers that match the manufacturer selected in the first dropdown.

I tried to use data validation and named ranges, but I can very easily exceed 256 columns very quickly.

P.S. while I am at it I would also like a button on this worsheet "Add Item" that would bring up a userform prompting for the Mfr,Model,Description,and Price, and add this info to the price list.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank You.

Zack Barresse
11-28-2004, 04:44 PM
Hi, welcome to the board!!

Have you seen this? ...


Does that help? If not, how? And as far as a UserForm goes, could you post an example spreadsheet (zipped) so we could have an idea of your layout and data structure?

11-28-2004, 06:24 PM
I was wondering if I could get one of those Flukes for that price?

11-28-2004, 09:11 PM
Sorry Calibration prices, not purchase.

Zack Barresse
12-07-2004, 04:16 PM
Did you try the proposed solution in the link I gave?