View Full Version : Live Chat with Dave Hawley of Ozgrid!!
Zack Barresse
12-01-2004, 07:50 PM
Hello everybody, :hi:
It is a privelage and a pleasure to invite you all to a VBAX Live Chat with Dave Hawley, author of 100 Excel Hacks ( by O'Reilly Publishing! Dave runs, an excellent Excel resource that has been serving the Excel community for quite some time. He has a free Q & A forum over at Oz that provides superior quality support. He also develops various utilities used in the application.
As I was perusing a local Barnes & Nobles this Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, I picked up Dave & Raina's book, 100 Excel Hacks (, and the tips and tricks in it are just astounding! An excellent buy! It is a great honor to be hosting this chat with one of the most intelligent people in the Excel community!!
Please join us
Date: Saturday, December 18th 2004
Time: 6:00 AM GMT
Duration: About 1 hour.
This event will be held in our own chat room. Enter your username and click
'Enter Chat'. Please use your member name, as it will be used for prizes.
To use the chat room, you will need:
++ Windows System: Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher (download (; Netscape Communicator 4.74 or higher (download ( with Java Enabled (Edit/Preferences/Advanced); AOL 5.0 or higher (download (
++ Macintosh System: Apple MRJ installed (download (; Internet Explorer 5 or higher (download ( with Java Enabled (Edit/Preferences/Web Browser/Java); Netscape MRJ Plugin Installed (download ( (installation instructions (; Netscape Communicator 4.76 or higher (download ( with Java Plugin enabled (Edit/Preferences/Advanced); Safari on Mac OS X, and Netscape 7.2 on Mac OS X
The chat room does not function using a Mac Netscape 6 browser. AOL browsers may not display custom avatars.
Ensure Java is enabled on your computer, download here
Hope to see you there! :)
6:00 AM GMT =
5:00 PM GMT
Sydney: 4:00 PM
Seattle: 10:00 PM Friday, December 17th
New York: 1:00 AM
If there are any discrepancies in any time zones, dates or information with this post, please private message ( me. Thanks!
Jacob Hilderbrand
12-01-2004, 10:26 PM
Sounds good. Count me in.
12-01-2004, 11:45 PM
I'll be there!!
Anne Troy
12-02-2004, 08:28 AM
12-02-2004, 10:12 AM
Sounds interesting although 1 am is a little outside of my timeframe to actually be able to think.
Oh well, you can't satisfy everyone. Can I get a transcript?
Zack Barresse
12-02-2004, 10:25 AM
... Can I get a transcript?
Of course. :) Anybody wanting a transcript can either email me (firefytr at vbaexpress dot com) or pm me; or if mentioned in this thread, I will check it before sending copies out. Feel free to distribute. I'll most likely upload a copy to this thread also.
12-02-2004, 12:22 PM
Sounds great! But... two concerns:
6:00 AM GMT =
5:00 PM GMT
Sydney: 4:00 PM
Seattle: 10:00 PM Friday, December 17th
New York: 1:00 AM
1. That's midnight for me. I don't know whether my grandchildren will let me stay up that late - on a Friday night! :bink:
2. How can 6:00 AM GMT = 5:00 PM GMT?
Anne Troy
12-02-2004, 12:28 PM
I can never get the times straight either.
Shades, if you have a problem with the grandchildren, tell them I said it's okay just this once. :)
SJ McAbney
12-03-2004, 08:55 AM
6 on a Saturday morning? :eek:
The Tamer
12-03-2004, 11:29 AM
6am GMT... i.e. here in Britain?
Are we sure about this now?! ;)
The last thing I want to do is get up in Cardiff at 5:30 tomorrow morning only to find that I'm 12 hours too late/early or something like that...
I'll do my best.
Anne Troy
12-03-2004, 11:35 AM
LOL. It's a good thing it's not tomorrow morning, then, huh? :D
The Tamer
12-03-2004, 11:01 PM
I can't believe it. How did I not see the date??? Here i am, ready to chat at 6 flippin a.m. Just reading Dreamboat's post "its a good thing it's not tomorrow morning" thinking, "very funny, of course it is"
What an idiot I am!!!
12-04-2004, 07:10 AM
So how did it go?
12-04-2004, 10:56 AM
So how did it go?
Date: Saturday, December 18th 2004
Time: 6:00 AM GMT
Duration: About 1 hour.
12-04-2004, 11:09 AM
It looks like that date thing caught quite a few people. I still won't make it at 1 am but look forward to browsing the log.
12-04-2004, 03:55 PM
And here I thought it was only us old codgers who had troubling seeing, telling time, getting up needlessly (of course, bathroom pit stops are always welcome!)... :)
12-06-2004, 12:45 PM
I'll be here! :dance:
12-07-2004, 08:56 AM
That is the morning after my Xmas office Party.....
Like I'll be awake :lol:
Ken Puls
12-08-2004, 09:51 AM
Our Xmas party is already over,:drunkard: and the kid's usually in bed by 10... so I'll be there! :cool:
12-08-2004, 11:37 AM
I went to the World Clock to make certain I did the time conversion correctly. The list is excruciatingly long, but hopefully of help to others. Here is the link. You can even set up your own world clock with up to 16 cities. Kind of cool.
World clock (
Afghanistan - Kabul Sat 10:30 AM
Algeria - Algiers Sat 7:00 AM
Argentina - Buenos Aires Sat 3:00 AM
Australia - Australian Capital Territory - Canberra * Sat 5:00 PM
Australia - New South Wales - Sydney * Sat 5:00 PM
Australia - Northern Territory - Darwin Sat 3:30 PM
Australia - Queensland - Brisbane Sat 4:00 PM
Australia - South Australia - Adelaide * Sat 4:30 PM
Australia - Victoria - Melbourne * Sat 5:00 PM
Australia - Western Australia - Perth Sat 2:00 PM
Austria - Vienna Sat 7:00 AM
Bahamas - Nassau Sat 1:00 AM
Bangladesh - Dhaka Sat Noon
Belarus - Minsk Sat 8:00 AM
Belgium - Brussels Sat 7:00 AM
Bolivia - La Paz Sat 2:00 AM
Brazil - Distrito Federal - Brasilia * Sat 4:00 AM
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro * Sat 4:00 AM
Brazil - S?o Paulo - Sao Paulo * Sat 4:00 AM
Bulgaria - Sofia Sat 8:00 AM
Canada - Alberta - Edmonton Fri 11:00 PM
Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver Fri 10:00 PM
Canada - Manitoba - Winnipeg Sat Midnight
Canada - Newfoundland - St. John's Sat 2:30 AM
Canada - Northwest Territories - Aklavik Fri 11:00 PM
Canada - Nova Scotia - Halifax Sat 2:00 AM
Canada - Ontario - Ottawa Sat 1:00 AM
Canada - Ontario - Toronto Sat 1:00 AM
Canada - Quebec - Montreal Sat 1:00 AM
Chile - Santiago * Sat 3:00 AM
China - Beijing Sat 2:00 PM
China - Hong Kong Sat 2:00 PM
China - Shanghai Sat 2:00 PM
Colombia - Bogota Sat 1:00 AM
Croatia - Zagreb Sat 7:00 AM
Cuba - Havana * Sat 2:00 AM
Czech Republic - Prague Sat 7:00 AM
Denmark - Copenhagen Sat 7:00 AM
Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo Sat 2:00 AM
Egypt - Cairo Sat 8:00 AM
El Salvador - San Salvador Sat Midnight
Estonia - Tallinn Sat 8:00 AM
Ethiopia - Addis Ababa Sat 9:00 AM
Fiji - Suva Sat 6:00 PM
Finland - Helsinki Sat 8:00 AM
France - Paris Sat 7:00 AM
Germany - Berlin - Berlin Sat 7:00 AM
Germany - Hessen - Frankfurt Sat 7:00 AM
Greece - Athens Sat 8:00 AM
Guatemala - Guatemala Sat Midnight
Honduras - Tegucigalpa Sat Midnight
Hungary - Budapest Sat 7:00 AM
Iceland - Reykjavik Sat 6:00 AM
India - Kolkata Sat 11:30 AM
India - Mumbai Sat 11:30 AM
India - New Delhi Sat 11:30 AM
Indonesia - Java - Jakarta Sat 1:00 PM
Iran - Tehran Sat 9:30 AM
Iraq - Baghdad Sat 9:00 AM
Ireland - Dublin Sat 6:00 AM
Israel - Jerusalem Sat 8:00 AM
Italy - Rome Sat 7:00 AM
Jamaica - Kingston Sat 1:00 AM
Japan - Tokyo Sat 3:00 PM
Jordan - Amman Sat 8:00 AM
Kenya - Nairobi Sat 9:00 AM
Kiribati - Christmas Islands - Kiritimati Sat 8:00 PM
Kuwait - Kuwait City Sat 9:00 AM
Lebanon - Beirut Sat 8:00 AM
Madagascar - Antananarivo Sat 9:00 AM
Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur Sat 2:00 PM
Mexico - Mexico City Sat Midnight
Morocco - Casablanca Sat 6:00 AM
Myanmar - Yangon Sat 12:30 PM
Nepal - Kathmandu Sat 11:45 AM
Netherlands - Amsterdam Sat 7:00 AM
New Zealand - Chatham Island * Sat 7:45 PM
New Zealand - Wellington * Sat 7:00 PM
Nicaragua - Managua Sat Midnight
Nigeria - Lagos Sat 7:00 AM
Norway - Oslo Sat 7:00 AM
Pakistan - Islamabad Sat 11:00 AM
Pakistan - Karachi Sat 11:00 AM
Pakistan - Lahore Sat 11:00 AM
Paraguay - Asuncion * Sat 3:00 AM
Peru - Lima Sat 1:00 AM
Philippines - Manila Sat 2:00 PM
Poland - Warsaw Sat 7:00 AM
Portugal - Lisbon Sat 6:00 AM
Puerto Rico - San Juan Sat 2:00 AM
Romania - Bucharest Sat 8:00 AM
Russia - Anadyr Sat 6:00 PM
Russia - Kamchatka Sat 6:00 PM
Russia - Moscow Sat 9:00 AM
Russia - Vladivostok Sat 4:00 PM
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh Sat 9:00 AM
Serbia and Montenegro - Serbia - Belgrade Sat 7:00 AM
Singapore - Singapore Sat 2:00 PM
South Africa - Cape Town Sat 8:00 AM
South Africa - Johannesburg Sat 8:00 AM
South Korea - Seoul Sat 3:00 PM
Spain - Barcelona Sat 7:00 AM
Spain - Madrid Sat 7:00 AM
Sudan - Khartoum Sat 9:00 AM
Sweden - Stockholm Sat 7:00 AM
Switzerland - Geneva Sat 7:00 AM
Switzerland - Z?rich Sat 7:00 AM
Taiwan - Taipei Sat 2:00 PM
Thailand - Bangkok Sat 1:00 PM
Turkey - Ankara Sat 8:00 AM
Turkey - Istanbul Sat 8:00 AM
U.K. - England - London Sat 6:00 AM
U.S.A. - Alabama - Montgomery Sat Midnight
U.S.A. - Alaska - Anchorage Fri 9:00 PM
U.S.A. - Arizona - Phoenix Fri 11:00 PM
U.S.A. - California - Los Angeles Fri 10:00 PM
U.S.A. - California - San Francisco Fri 10:00 PM
U.S.A. - Colorado - Denver Fri 11:00 PM
U.S.A. - District of Columbia - Washington DC Sat 1:00 AM
U.S.A. - Georgia - Atlanta Sat 1:00 AM
U.S.A. - Hawaii - Honolulu Fri 8:00 PM
U.S.A. - Illinois - Chicago Sat Midnight
U.S.A. - Indiana - Indianapolis Sat 1:00 AM
U.S.A. - Louisiana - New Orleans Sat Midnight
U.S.A. - Massachusetts - Boston Sat 1:00 AM
U.S.A. - Michigan - Detroit Sat 1:00 AM
U.S.A. - Minnesota - Minneapolis Sat Midnight
U.S.A. - Minnesota - St. Paul Sat Midnight
U.S.A. - New York - New York Sat 1:00 AM
U.S.A. - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia Sat 1:00 AM
U.S.A. - Texas - Houston Sat Midnight
U.S.A. - Washington - Seattle Fri 10:00 PM
Ukraine - Kyiv Sat 8:00 AM
Ukraine - Odesa Sat 8:00 AM
United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi Sat 10:00 AM
Uruguay - Montevideo * Sat 4:00 AM
Uzbekistan - Tashkent Sat 11:00 AM
Venezuela - Caracas Sat 2:00 AM
Vietnam - Hanoi Sat 1:00 PM
Yemen - Aden Sat 9:00 AM
Zimbabwe - Harare Sat 8:00 AM
Current UTC (or GMT/Zulu)-time used: Saturday, December 18, 2004 at 06:00:00
UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.
Great Britain is one hour ahead of UTC during summer.
Internet time: @291 .beats
Dave Hawley
12-08-2004, 06:15 PM
That is the morning after my Xmas office Party.....
Like I'll be awake :lol: If it's a good party you should just be warmed up by then. By "warmed up" I'm not talking of that hot larger you guys drink :p
I will be happy to donate a copy of our book to who ever sucks up the most:D
Seriously though, I will donate a signed copy to VBA Express and they can pass it on to....who ever.
See ya on the 18th!
Ivan F Moala
12-09-2004, 01:34 AM
If it's a good party you should just be warmed up by then. By "warmed up" I'm not talking of that hot larger you guys drink :p
I will be happy to donate a copy of our book to who ever sucks up the most:D
Seriously though, I will donate a signed copy to VBA Express and they can pass it on to....who ever.
See ya on the 18th!
That signed book should go to who ever is ahead of you in terms of Date & Time :D
Aaron Blood
12-09-2004, 02:10 PM
I'd prefer to see a discusson hosted on XBOX Live!
How many could we fit in a Rainbow Six forum?
Don't even have to waste energy typing. We can just run around freely yelling out Excel formulas while shooting each other and screaming obscenities...
12-12-2004, 04:26 PM
Nice to know I'm on the right side of the world for once - set my diary for 5PM!
12-16-2004, 08:06 AM
If it's a good party you should just be warmed up by then. By "warmed up" I'm not talking of that hot larger you guys drink :p
The lager is cold. It's the brown stuff that's warm :)
I should just about be waking up semi-clothed in a barge at 6AM
12-18-2004, 12:01 AM
I'm getting a "Direct login failed: login name reserved " error.......
Zack Barresse
12-18-2004, 12:03 AM
Change your name slightly. Some names are reserved. It's the software. E.g. I had to log in under 'firefyter'. We're working on fixing that one.
Dave Hawley
12-18-2004, 12:04 AM
Sorry guys, still getting;
Login Error, please try again.
Zack Barresse
12-18-2004, 12:16 AM
Did you try a different name? E.g. ImDaveHawley ?
12-18-2004, 12:36 AM
I get to a window that seems to hang on Connecting to the server . . .
Is everything working?
12-18-2004, 12:38 AM
I tried logging in under brattdj rather than brettdj and it worked fine.....but I think the chat is finished now. The guest of honour couldn't get in
12-18-2004, 12:44 AM
Well Hong Kong Phooey to that!!!!
Anne Troy
12-18-2004, 12:56 AM
Don't worry. We'll reschedule, I'm sure. :)
We had a good time anyway.
I also ended up being booted and couldn't get back in. You should try loading the chat again sometime before the next chat and see if you can get in. If you cannot get in under your member name, try any other name. The chat software is NOT on our server, and is 3rd party. I do believe that if someone is in there using your name, you can't get on--even if they're not in OUR chat...something like that.
Please don't complain about our chat software unless you can recommend other chat software that is cheap or free and is problem-free. :)
Sorry, but I haven't yet met an online chat software I liked (except Yahoo Instant Messenger, which requires that everybody be invited, and it's terribly disruptive when people come and go).
12-18-2004, 12:56 AM
I tried logging in under brattdj rather than brettdj and it worked fine.....but I think the chat is finished now. The guest of honour couldn't get in
Using the magic decoder ring, I got logged in fine as Brendtrock. Too bad the chat is done, before it could get started. :bawl
Zack Barresse
12-18-2004, 01:06 AM
Sorry 'bout that Brandtrock! :( And everybody else who had problems. We're going to try and resolve the prpoblem. I'll keep ya'll updated.
12-18-2004, 01:08 AM
No problem, I'll be glad to go whenever it gets worked out. :)
12-18-2004, 05:37 AM
Don't worry. We'll reschedule, I'm sure
Please schedule the time so Europe can take part of it. You know, that?s the piece of land between US/Canada and Middle East ;)
Please don't complain about our chat software unless you can recommend other chat software that is cheap or free and is problem-free. :)
The best solution is to meet in a nice place and have a beer together :)
Ivan F Moala
12-18-2004, 06:36 AM
Please schedule the time so Europe can take part of it. You know, that?s the piece of land between US/Canada and Middle East ;)
The best solution is to meet in a nice place and have a beer together :)
lol I'm for that .... will meet in ??
12-18-2004, 07:19 AM
lol I'm for that .... will meet in ??
Rom, Italy!
The Tamer
12-18-2004, 03:36 PM
The best solution is to meet in a nice place and have a beer together :)
Well, I know the States is a big place - but I'm travelling there next Saturday - you never know, I may bump into some of you! ;)
Sorry i missed the show - except it sounds like I didn't miss it after all. maybe i can join in in the reshedule. :)
12-18-2004, 03:54 PM
I was so sick I didn't notice that I missed the chat until now - 17 hours later...
Either that or I am older and slower than I thought... :)
But I didn't miss anything.
01-06-2005, 05:05 AM
lol I'm for that .... will meet in ??
How's about Bahrain for the Grand Prix.... ?
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