View Full Version : Automatic page breaking for tables in Word

08-07-2007, 06:39 AM
I was wondering if someone could help me. I'll outline the situation for you. What I'm trying to do is generate using VBA, copies of multiple little tables across a number of pages. After populating the tables with the appropriate date (which I can do okay) I want to be able to close up all the gaps (which I can do fine as well) but I also want to make sure that any of the smaller tables do NOT wrap over onto a new page. Is anyone aware of something in Word that will allow me to do this? Or will I need to resort to manually calculating when a table wraps over on to a new page and then cause a page break prior to it?

I've looked in word itself and the only option I can find is via:-
- Selecting the table
- Right Click then goto Table Properties...
- Select the Row tab
- Unchecking Allow Row to Break Across Pages

Really what I want is a Column option and not a row!

Thanks in advance.

08-07-2007, 07:00 AM
"Really what I want is a Column option and not a row!"

Huh???????? What would a column break (which does not exist) have anything at all to do with what you are asking? What would a column break have to do with a page break?

As for the actual question, what is wrong with simply unchecking Allow Row to Break for the tables?

08-07-2007, 07:05 AM
"Really what I want is a Column option and not a row!"

Huh???????? What would a column break (which does not exist) have anything at all to do with what you are asking? What would a column break have to do with a page break?

As for the actual question, what is wrong with simply unchecking Allow Row to Break for the tables?

Sorry the last comment probably wasn't too clear, but you would understand if you saw what I have to do.

Unfortunately the client who requested the document doesn't want any of the multiple tables to overlap a page (pretty inconvenient!) but fortunately each table is small enough to fit on any single page.

Allow Row Break for the Tables won't cause a page break before the table - which is what I sorely need.

08-07-2007, 07:10 AM
"Sorry the last comment probably wasn't too clear, but you would understand if you saw what I have to do."

Ummm, well thanks for explaining it. Much appreciated.....

"Unfortunately the client who requested the document doesn't want any of the multiple tables to overlap a page (pretty inconvenient!) but fortunately each table is small enough to fit on any single page."

Then, ummmm, do it. It can be done. What is your problem?

"Allow Row Break for the Tables won't cause a page break before the table - which is what I sorely need." Then do that as well. It can be done. What exactly is your problem?

08-07-2007, 07:21 AM
Sorry. I realize that sounded a bit critical.

You can cause a page break before, by using that property of the paragraph Style of the first row.

Using Styles is very helpful, and Word is designed for them.

The thing with the Column break though....I still am HUH? Columns are left to right, across the page. So, help me out here....explain what that has to do with page breaks?

08-07-2007, 11:32 AM
You could use keep conditions. For each row except the last one, include Format | Paragraph | Keep With Next (and you could also use Keep Together, although the table property will look after that for you in most cases). This will keep the rows of your small tables together on a page. Note that Word will ignore the keep conditions if there isn't room to keep it all together on a page.