View Full Version : Solved: Compare dates on userform

09-07-2007, 03:24 AM
I have a user form with two sets of Start and End dates. I need to do two things with each set of these dates:

1) make sure that value entered is in fact a date
2) make sure the End date entered does not precede the Start date entered?

How can I accomplish this?

09-10-2007, 07:27 AM
You can use IsDate() to test whether an expression (i.e. the contents of a text box) is convertable to a date and then you can use CDate() to convert it. Something like this:

Sub Dates()

Dim sDate1 As String
Dim sDate2 As String
Dim dDate1 As Date
Dim dDate2 As Date

sDate1 = "15/10/1995"
sDate2 = "10/09/2007"

If IsDate(sDate1) Then

dDate1 = CDate(sDate1)

If IsDate(sDate2) Then

dDate2 = CDate(sDate2)

If dDate1 > dDate2 Then
MsgBox sDate1 & " is later than " & sDate2
ElseIf dDate2 > dDate1 Then
MsgBox sDate2 & " is later than " & sDate1
MsgBox "Both dates are the same"
End If

End If

End If

End Sub


09-10-2007, 08:13 AM
Perfect! It works great! Thank you so much!