View Full Version : Solved: Using Form to input Form data ~ REDUX

09-17-2007, 12:20 PM
Since OBP helped me immensely, I was almost reluctant to post again. Don't get me wrong OBP, you helped alot... however, the bone you threw me isn't the right flavor >.o

I've uploaded a copy of my "current" database. Let's just say, I'm not doing anymore formatting or additional forms.reports/queries until I get this bug worked out.

2003 Database contains:
3 ~ Tables
1 ~ Query
2 ~ Forms

This is what happens right now (compliments of OBP).

Boss hands me a Fiscal year calendar, so I have already input all of the upcoming Class Information in [TabFYClass], where only information about the monthly classes is kept. Boss asks me to update some info from class 13-13, I can click [QueFrmInprocess_FYClass], enter class 13-13, and it pulls up any student records I need to update for all of FYClass 13-13. The Class Number at the top of [FrmInrpocess] is filled in automatically, which was my initial problem. Student info is stored completely in [TabStudent].

Now comes the reason my aforementioned bone isn't seasoned properly.

We get new students for FYClass 08-07. The FY Class data is already in [TabFYClass] but no student has been entered for 08-07 in [TabStudent] yet. So, when I click [QueFrmInprocess_FYClass] and input 08-07 it opens [FrmInprocess] HOWEVER, the Class Number at the top isn't filled in automatically. It still has to be entered manually everytime someone adds a student (sometimes up to 60). This creates too much room for user error, in my opinion, since students have to be listed in the correct class due to FY Currency issues.

How can I get the FY Class entry on [FrmInprocess] to maintain that intially entered FY Class # and STILL update the student info in [TabStudent]. In other words, I want to enter it once on [QueFrmInprocess_FYClass] and have it remain that entry through any record added on [FrmInprocess] until it's closed and opened with a different entry.

Hopefully I've supplied enough for someone to work with me on this. If not, just acks me and I'll give more details. Once more, any help is appreciated!

09-17-2007, 01:33 PM
Will my help do?

09-17-2007, 01:36 PM
Guess that's what I get for jumping the gun... I spent an hour figuring it out.

In case anyones interested, I went into [FrmInprocess] and changed the default value of FY Class to =[Forms]![QueFrmInprocess_FYClass]![FY Class] so that it just places the default value from [QueFrmInprocess_FYClass] into the FY Class. Then I chose to Lock it down and I'm good to go.

Thanks for the help, lol! Give a man a fish and all that jazz...


09-17-2007, 03:14 PM
thomas, although you have marked this as solved, I would like to comment on your database design.
It is not conventional and neither is your Input method.
The attached database has a conventional relationship (one to many) and a conventional input form for selcting the Class with a subform for entering the student data.

09-17-2007, 04:14 PM
Don't have time now, but I'll look at it when I have a chance. Like I said as well, this was just a basic one to attempt what I was trying. No frills. I'll check the relationship and data aspects of yours though and see if I can impliment them.

Thanks alot.