View Full Version : Solved: General use "cheat sheet"

09-24-2007, 06:34 AM
Hi everyone,

A couple coworkers have asked me if I could find a good general-use 'cheat sheet' for Word. I know what I need to do to use or find something in Word for my personal use, but the people in my group are not like me. As we have to all work on our resume now (more about that later perhaps), they could really use a good, printable, reference as to how to use MS Word.

Any suggestions, Word people?


09-24-2007, 07:48 AM
Can you give a bit more detail on requirements?

To what level of "general-use"? Should it include using Styles? Do these people have templates?

09-24-2007, 08:04 AM
Hey Gerry,

That is a good question. We use Office here at work, though we don't often have to use Word for anything so they're just not very familiar. They aren't the most tech-savvy people though, so a keyboard shortcut cheat sheet would be somewhat useless to them. Including something like "To change the display of the text to bold/italics/color/etc, go to Format then Font" or "To double space, highlight the text to be spaced and go to Format -> Paragraph -> Line Spacing" would be the level they're looking for, I think.

The only template, per se, they would have is taking someone else's resume and editing it to fit their own information. There will be a resume writing class being taken, so descriptions on how to create styles wouldn't be needed. Telling them the style menu is located at Format -> Styles... would be what they're looking for (I would think), though I'm guessing they won't be using styles really, and just format everything as they go (indenting, bullets, etc).

They wouldn't care about anything VBA related, so more or less a beginner level sounds about right. They understand menus, and how to use the mouse, but remembering where things are is what slips their mind. I don't want anyone to have to create such a thing (unless it could be used in the future), I figured there were already such things out there and no one would have to do any extra work for this :)

09-24-2007, 08:24 AM
Including something like "To change the display of the text to bold/italics/color/etc, go to Format then Font" or "To double space, highlight the text to be spaced and go to Format -> Paragraph -> Line Spacing" would be the level they're looking for, I think.

<runs away screaming>

09-24-2007, 08:25 AM
Welcome to my world!

09-24-2007, 09:16 AM
Here is one my wife likes. I'm not sure where she got it.


09-24-2007, 09:51 AM
That is a good one.. I ended up giving them a modified version of http://www.scsite.com/wd2000/qrwd2000b.htm (took the "Page number" column out, thanks again to regexp :)), which they liked as its quite extensive, but they really liked that one as well
Marking as solved :)