View Full Version : Solved: Date Range Criteria

09-28-2007, 01:10 PM
I would greatly appreciate someone helping me with this darn thing.

I want to select records in a query with criteria between October 1 of the previous year through September 30 of the current year.

On my form, I have a Date field called SearchDate. This is the field I wanted to use to get Current Year and Previous Year, but with the specific months mentioned above

SOmething like:

Between 10/1 & DatePart("yyyy",[Forms]![frmStart]![SearchDate])-1 And 9/30 & DatePart("yyyy",[Forms]![frmStart]![SearchDate])

Thank you for any help

09-28-2007, 02:42 PM
SHould anyone want to know, I was given this solution that solved my problem

between dateserial(year([Forms]![frmStart]![SearchDate])-1,10,1) And dateserial(year([Forms]![frmStart]![SearchDate]),9,30)