View Full Version : Beware Then frumious bandersnatch

10-27-2007, 07:31 AM
This is not the kind of post one wishes. Forums are designed to both exchange ideas/issues between those willing to do the work and perhaps get a few $$ for expertise from those unwilling to do the work. I contribute to several forums and on a couple occasions have beeen privately requested for addtional effort.

This has happened twice on this site, but in both instances I was ripped off. We are ONLY talking about enough $$ to fill a gas tank. In the first instance, the OP pulled the 'check is in the mail' for several weeks. He has not since posted here, or changed his username, after I indicated I would call him out were he to post again. The second instance was just a waste of time [and time will tell].

In both cases I was first contacted and had phone conversations, so let's be clear I do not post to solicit work! I also realize that those running this site cannot be responsible for [them].

....so I wish no public replies to this post. I was venting, and as far as I am concerned the 1st Amendment still exists. I bear no ill, they will have their own karma to deal with.

...all better

10-27-2007, 10:41 AM
I agree, I have had dozens of unsolicited promises of Cash for help, but only one poster (not on this forum) actually paid anything.
It is a disappointing look at human nature.

10-28-2007, 01:57 AM
I agree, I have had dozens of unsolicited promises of Cash for help, but only one poster (not on this forum) actually paid anything.
It is a disappointing look at human nature.
The genius and money are two incompatible things...
