View Full Version : painfully slow

11-13-2007, 07:05 AM
does anybody out there know of any reason why my access 2003 database would be going so so so slow, not just when its being run but when im trying to edit forms it is taking an eternity.....i have split db and run compact and repair but nothing is getting it moving, any tips to get some venom behind it from you brainy people?

11-13-2007, 08:04 AM
Does your anti-virus program checks .mdb files ?

11-13-2007, 08:09 AM
good idea, i wouldnt have thought of that....unfortuantly no it doesnt scan .mdb files so that isnt the problem...thanks for the reply tho

11-13-2007, 09:45 AM
have you complied the code?

aside from the split, what else is different with your database? (i am asuming your data is held on a server, so could it be network speed?)

is it slow on just your computer or evryone how tries to use it?

11-13-2007, 05:01 PM

What is the basic structure of your data base..

1. Data size of the tables -- How many rows vs columns are your processing. The more data you have, longer for processing.
2. Query types -- selection vs transactional [append/delete/update/maketable]. Are your firing queries based off queries or queries based off tables.
3. What type of contraints have been set -- primary keys. Transactions will take longer on tables with more contraints [does not mean you lessen the constraints but is a factor]

Some more points to consider:
1. Group by queries will take longer to run.
2. Linked tables will get processed slightly slower than native access tables.
3. Is it VBA dependent [partially/completely]..is the code optimized. For example closing out ADODB recordsets after transacting.
4. Overloaded queries...a query which has too many tables joined to each other.
5. Running it of a network drive -- network speed will become a factor for performance.
6. While executing on your system, how many other applications you have open...the usual RAM vs processesor issue...!

Give this points a thought..and see what you come up with.



11-14-2007, 06:45 AM
Also check your printers - I had terrible problems the other day and it eventually turned out that the printer servers were playing up and that was causing it for whatever reason. I just deleted all my printers and it was fine.