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View Full Version : Solved: Using excel to send email through lotus notes - variable data and open/close notes

11-13-2007, 08:00 AM
I am trying to use an excel vba to enter variable data on the body of the email and to opena and close the session with VBA. I have been successful at generating the new session and attaching the file, but I cannot insert the variable data and close the sesssion.

Can anyone help? :banghead:

Below is my code I have so far.

Dim objNotesSession As Object
Dim objNotesMailFile As Object
Dim objNotesDocument As Object
Dim objNotesField As Object

Function SendMail()

Msg10 = "Test"

On Error GoTo SendMailError
EMailSendTo = "rick.roach@maps-na.com" '' Required - Send to address
EMailCCTo = "" '' Optional
EMailBCCTo = "" '' Optional
''Establish Connection to Notes
Set objNotesSession = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
''Provide password if logged out
Call Session.Initialize("krroach")
''Establish Connection to Mail File
Set objNotesMailFile = objNotesSession.GETDATABASE("", "")
''Open Mail
''Create New Memo
Set objNotesDocument = objNotesMailFile.CREATEDOCUMENT
''Create 'Subject Field'
Set objNotesField = objNotesDocument.APPENDITEMVALUE("Subject", EmailSubject)
''Create 'Send To' Field
Set objNotesField = objNotesDocument.APPENDITEMVALUE("SendTo", EMailSendTo)
''Create 'Copy To' Field
Set objNotesField = objNotesDocument.APPENDITEMVALUE("CopyTo", EMailCCTo)
''Create 'Blind Copy To' Field
Set objNotesField = objNotesDocument.APPENDITEMVALUE("BlindCopyTo", EMailBCCTo)
''Create 'Body' of memo
Set objNotesField = objNotesDocument.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Body")
With objNotesField
.APPENDTEXT "This e-mail is generated by an automated process - this is a test."
.APPENDTEXT "Please follow established contact procedures should you have any questions."

End With
''Attach the file --1454 indicate a file attachment
''objNotesField = objNotesField.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", "C:\Temp\test.xls")
objNotesField = objNotesField.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", ActiveWorkbook.FullName)
''Send the e-mail
objNotesDocument.Send (0)
''Release storage
Set objNotesSession = Nothing
Set objNotesSession = Nothing
Set objNotesMailFile = Nothing
Set objNotesDocument = Nothing
Set objNotesField = Nothing
''Set return code
SendMail = True
Exit Function
Msg = "Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " _
& Err.Source & Chr(13) & Err.Description
MsgBox Msg, , "Error", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
SendMail = False
End Function

Thanks in advance for any help.


04-01-2009, 11:03 AM
This is what I do but I am unable to attach a spreadsheet.

Call CreateLotusWorkSpace
'strNameTo = EmailTO
strNameTo = ""
strNameCC = EmailCC
Call SendEmail(strNameTo, strNameCC, FName)
Call CloseLotusWorkSpace
Public Sub CreateLotusWorkSpace()
Dim lnRetVal As Long
'Check if Lotus Notes is open or not.
lnRetVal = FindWindow("NOTES", vbNullString)
If lnRetVal = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please make sure that Lotus Notes is open!", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If

'Instantiate the Lotus Notes COM's objects.
Set oWorkSpace = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")

End Sub
Public Sub CloseLotusWorkSpace()
'Release objects from memory.
Set oWorkSpace = Nothing
Set oUIDoc = Nothing
End Sub
Sub SendEmail(stTo As String, stCC As String)
Dim stBody As String
Dim stSubject As String
Dim rnBody As Range
Dim lnRetVal As Long
stBody = ""
stSubject = "Daily Report"

'A named range in the activesheet is in use.
Set rnBody = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A22")
'Using LotusScript to create the e-mail.
Set oUIDoc = oWorkSpace.COMPOSEDOCUMENT("", "", "Memo")
Call oUIDoc.FIELDSETTEXT("EnterSendTo", stTo)
Call oUIDoc.FIELDSETTEXT("EnterCopyTo", stCC)
Call oUIDoc.FIELDSETTEXT("Subject", stSubject)
Call oUIDoc.FIELDSETTEXT("Body", stBody)
Call oUIDoc.GOTOFIELD("Body")
Call oUIDoc.Paste
Call oUIDoc.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", ActiveSheet.Range("C1:C1"))
Call oUIDoc.Send
Call oUIDoc.Close

With Application
.CutCopyMode = False
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub

Kenneth Hobs
04-01-2009, 11:19 AM
Welcome both of you to the forum!

Please add code tags around code. You can click the VBA icon and paste between tags.

Here is how I do it.
Sub test()
Dim lErr As ErrObject
SendNotesMail _
"PMP Handbook5", _
"c:\t.pdf", _
"krhobson@odot.org, krhobson@aaahawk.com", _
"Click file: " & vbCrLf & _
"file://u:\Material\pmp\PMP%20Handbook.pdf" & vbCrLf & _
"or, open the attachement.", , lErr
If lErr.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox lErr.Number & vbCrLf & lErr.Description
End Sub

'Escape characters, %20=space, http://everything2.com/node/1350052
'Similar to: Brian Walters, http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=67089
Public Sub SendNotesMail(Subject As String, Attachment As String, _
ByVal Recipient As String, _
BodyText As String, _
Optional SaveIt As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByRef lErr As ErrObject)
'lErr is used when using the Sub in a batch process,
'to handle instances where an error appears

'Example of use:
'SendNotesMail "The Subject", "C:\My Documents\TestFile.txt", _
"john@doe.com, jane@doe.com", _
"This is the body text, can be longer", True, lErr

'Set up the objects required for Automation into lotus notes
Dim Maildb As Object 'The mail database
Dim UserName As String 'The current users notes name
Dim MailDoc As Object 'The mail document itself
Dim AttachME As Object 'The attachment richtextfile object
Dim Session As Object 'The notes session
Dim EmbedObj As Object 'The embedded object (Attachment)
Dim ArRecipients() As String 'Array of recipients
Dim i As Long 'Counter
Dim oBody As Object 'Body of text in for rich text format

'Early Bind - Tools > Reference > Lotus Notes Automation Classes, notes32.tlb
'Dim ln As lotus.NOTESSESSION
'Set ln = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
'Dim db As lotus.NOTESDATABASE
'Set db = ln.GETDATABASE("", "mail\username.nsf")
'Dim mDoc As lotus.NOTESDOCUMENT

'Create an array of recipients (Separated by commas)
Recipient = Recipient & ","

While InStr(1, Recipient, ",", 1) > 0
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve ArRecipients(1 To i) As String
ArRecipients(i) = _
Left(Recipient, InStr(1, Recipient, ",", 1) - 1)
Recipient = _
Mid(Recipient, InStr(1, Recipient, ",", 1) + 1, Len(Recipient))

'Start a session to notes
Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
On Error GoTo err_h

'Open the mail database in notes
Set Maildb = Session.GETDATABASE("", "mail\username.nsf")
If Maildb.IsOpen = False Then
End If

'Set up the new mail document
MailDoc.Form = "Memo"
MailDoc.sendto = ArRecipients
MailDoc.Subject = UCase(Subject)
'MailDoc.Body = UCase(BodyText)
Set oBody = MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Body")

'This is supposed to be the property, but works
'on some systems only
'without an apparent reason of failure

'Set up the embedded object and attachment and attach it
If Attachment <> "" Then
Set AttachME = MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Attachment")
Set EmbedObj = AttachME.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", Attachment, "Attachment")
End If

'Send the document
MailDoc.PostedDate = Now() 'Gets the mail to appear in the sent items folder
MailDoc.Send 0
MailDoc.Save True, True, False

'Clean Up
Set lErr = Err
Set Maildb = Nothing
Set MailDoc = Nothing
Set AttachME = Nothing
Set Session = Nothing
Set EmbedObj = Nothing

End Sub