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View Full Version : Multiple users - different drives

12-07-2007, 09:47 AM

1. In my workbook i have assigned my macros from "this workbook" option respectively. But the shared drive that i have saved my workbook on appears as E: for myself.....but for another person it appears as D: for example. This is causing confusion when another user who has their shared drive mapped differently to me opens up the workbook and clicks the button as it goes to search for the macro on another drive.....can ne1 help?

2. Bearing in mind this shared drives problem. When at my computer i open up my workbook, the custom toolbar that i designed and attached to the workbook displays correctly. But when another user opens up the workbook they dont get all the buttons on the toolbar that i see.....it seems to be missing one or two. I can assure you we are opening the same file.....but this i cannot understand...? Am i not attaching the toolbar to the workbook correctly? Can ne1 help?

Many Thanks in advance...T

Bob Phillips
12-07-2007, 11:34 AM
You should either use standard drive mappings, your IT department should set them up, or use UNC drive names, these are inviolate.