View Full Version : Combo Box/List Box Problem

12-28-2007, 08:43 AM
For some reason my mind goes blank to code this the way I want. In the basic attached excel file I have a Chart page that populates when a certain part number is selected from the other sheet(SalesResult). I tried to get the list box/combo box to be in cell A3 on sheet(Chart). I want it to scroll and be able to select different part numbers from the other sheet(SalesResult) from A2:A5000. Please help me on this.

Bob Phillips
12-28-2007, 08:57 AM
On the SalesResult sheet, create a defined name of say Data with a RefersTo formula of


and then use Data Validation in A3 with a type of List, and a Source of =Data

12-28-2007, 09:48 AM
Thank you, I was thinking in a more complicated fashion and I didnt even have to. I have never used the Data Validation Tool. I appreciate it!