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View Full Version : Duplicate Control Names = Disaster

12-28-2007, 11:35 AM
I am running xl2K under WinXP. If I happen to name two form controls the same, Excel locks up and I have to kill the process and loose everything since last save. Naming procedures the same, globals the same, etc., although stupid, does not create similar penalties. And, of course, I only do this when I have not saved the file for 15 to 20 minutes :banghead:

When this happens, a window appears indicating the problem and suggesting that I can cancel the operation, ask for help, etc. But Excel has locked up and nothing seems to unlock it. Is there any way to recover from this other than killing the process?

Bob Phillips
12-28-2007, 03:06 PM
Are you sure that it has seized up? I often find that the cursor is an activity cursor, but I can do

Application.Cursor = xlDefault

in the immediate window and carry on.

12-28-2007, 04:37 PM
Are you sure that it has seized up? I often find that the cursor is an activity cursor, but I can do

Application.Cursor = xlDefault

in the immediate window and carry on.thanks for the reply. I am not sure what this means.

The cursor changes from whatever is the "normal" image to a (unique) white circle with a black rim and black slash (the typical "NO something"). The cursor moves, but I can not type anything, select anything or do anything with the VBE or xl other than kill it.

Strangely, I went back to the last appl where this occured and tried to make it happen and could not replicate the error. Rather, when I subsequently tired to display the form in the VBE, I received a "Duplicate Name = ~" message. But xl was not locked and other than being able to display the form in the VBE, everything else worked including my ability to open the code associated iwth the form and fix the problem (which is the way I would expect things to work).