View Full Version : Already in use message

01-07-2008, 09:04 AM
So the database that I have now has a front and back-end. However, the issue that I'm running into is this:

1. Does MS Access allow users to access the same record at the same time?

2. If this is possible, I need to put in a check that says "is this record already opened by another user"? If this does return a "yes", then a message should be displayed to the user who is trying to access the record of "This record is already being used by (network user name). You can only view this record in read-only status where you cannot edit it. if you would like to edit it, please locate the current user who has it opened and ask them to close it, or you can wait until they are through."

Any ideas?

01-07-2008, 09:29 AM
1. Yes - but only to view. Two users cannot change or write to the same record at the same time.

2. Shouldn't have to. It should generate this message on its own (well at least give the message that the record is locked).

Does each user have their own copy of the front-end on their local hard drive?

01-07-2008, 09:31 AM

Thanks for answering.

As long as MS Access will allow them to view while the other writes, that's fine. If it gives a 'record is locked' message, I just wanted it to say by whom, though I don't know if that's necessary since I have a 'time out - log out' function already in the db.

And yes, all users will have a copy of the front-end on their own machines, not a shortcut. Why?

01-07-2008, 09:34 AM
Because the error you posted can be caused by more than user attempting to use the same copy of the front end...