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View Full Version : Sleeper: Repair Feature?

Ken Puls
01-31-2005, 03:10 PM
Hey guys,

Is there a repair feature for a specific workbook, rather than the entire Excel application? I have a workbook that has developed some issues, but am reluctant to try recreating it as it has several worksheets, name ranges, and macros within.

I have Excel 97 and 2003, so any advice would be helpful.


Jacob Hilderbrand
01-31-2005, 03:24 PM
Detect and Repair is for all of Office not just one workbook. Maybe post some of the issues you are having and we might be able to recommend a fix.

Ken Puls
01-31-2005, 03:31 PM

I develop in Office 2003, and distribute to Office 97 for my "less fortunate" users. I'm very careful about testing both versions for compatibility, so no worries there.

The particular file that I'm dealing with is used 100% of the time on a Citrix Terminal Server, which is running Windows 2003 and Office 97, however the data files are stored on a Novell 6.5 SBS.

Last week, the data drive in the Novell server failed, and seems to have corrupted many of my files. Knowing this now, I believe that it was happening for about two weeks (every since I moved the data off a different server,) but actually died last Thursday. I restored a backup from just prior to the failure, but now have this workbook (among a few others) which has developed issues.

When I open it in 2003, I cannot save it. It just tells me that "Save Failed". It is also constantly telling my 97 users now (and didn't before) that it was created in a later version of Excel, and are they sure they want to save it? Very irritating.

I think that my only recourse may be to restore from 2 weeks prior, but wanted to deal with any quicker fixes first.

Jacob Hilderbrand
01-31-2005, 03:57 PM
One thing you can try is to copy over all the worksheets/user forms/modules to a new workbook. You can do that pretty quick and see if it fixes the problem.

You can copy all the worksheets at once and for the modules/user forms you can drag and drop them from the VBE Project Explorer.

Another thing you can try is to save it from 97 (assuming you can) as just a 97 file type (instead of multiple file types). Then try to open it in 2003 and see if you can save it again as a multiple file type.

Ken Puls
01-31-2005, 04:22 PM
Another thing you can try is to save it from 97 (assuming you can) as just a 97 file type (instead of multiple file types). Then try to open it in 2003 and see if you can save it again as a multiple file type.
Tried to save as Excel 97 in 97, and got this:

Ken Puls
01-31-2005, 04:25 PM
Oh, and strangely, if I open and try to save it in 97 again, same thing all over again. Very weird. I even tried copying the sheets and modules to a new book, on 2003, and when I try to save the book, I a nice message that the workbook was not saved.:banghead:

I restored a file from backup, and it works okay, until I try a "save as" to a lower version. Then all hell breaks loose. The only reason that I'm even doing that is to stop my user from getting that stupide message about a later version. Since I don't have time to deal with this, I've told her she'll just have to live with it for now.

Very frustrating.:steamed: