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View Full Version : Multiple Cells Appear Active

02-04-2008, 06:25 AM
In the following file when I select a cell (L16) to run a macro from the command button (Single) and then select another cell (V16) to run the same macro both cells (L16 and V16) appear active. If I click out of the worksheet and then back to it again it gets rid of the multiple selections of cells. Is there a reason this is happening. I have tried a new workbook and this doesn't happen. I don't want to have to start from the begining because of the size of the current workbook. Is there a reason this is happening? This same occurence happens regardless of the command buton or macro that is run.

Best regards,


02-04-2008, 06:54 AM
The other thing that happens with this is when there two or more cells showing that they are active you can't go back and select those cells. To get out of this you must double click on the cell as if to enter data and then click out of the cell. Very frustrating because I don't know how this happened.

Best regards,


Sir Babydum GBE
02-04-2008, 07:27 AM
The other thing that happens with this is when there two or more cells showing that they are active you can't go back and select those cells. To get out of this you must double click on the cell as if to enter data and then click out of the cell. Very frustrating because I don't know how this happened.

Best regards,


Don't know why it's happening - but this seems to fix things:

Sub First1B()
Sheets("Symbols").Range("K16:M17").Copy ActiveCell
End Sub