View Full Version : Open/Activate other Excel files from one

02-05-2008, 01:11 AM
I have a "master" file which opens and activates the other 4 files . The otehr 4 files are written to get data inside them updated when they are open. when i run the 4 files seperately ,they are fine. but using this master file way, only 1 file can get updated! only one specific file. the other 3 files are open and activated( i can see that from the screen),but they don't get updated!! how come?

the code in Master file is like:
dim wk as workbook

set wk = workbooks.open (path of file 1)

set wk =workbooks.open (path of file 2)

'same goes for the other 2 file

end sub
Thanks for any help!!and advice ,discussion!

by theway, the specific fle that gets updated, the code getting dataupdated is written in workbook_open . the other 3 files ,the code getting dateupdated is written in stardand modules called updating() ,and in their workbook_open(), there is "call updating".
does this way matter ???

02-05-2008, 05:41 AM

How can we tell without actually seeing the code that's doing the updating?

02-05-2008, 02:27 PM

How can we tell without actually seeing the code that's doing the updating?
Hi, Norie,

THanks for replying..alright , I will give out everything I have.
There are 4 files that needs doing updating

File1.xls 'code :
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.Run "EwUpdateAll" '-- This line does Updating job.
Dim i As Integer '-- EwupdateAll is an add-in
Dim ChartObject As ChartObject
i = 3
For Each ChartObject In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
ChartObject.Chart.Export"S:\MARKETS_INET\auto_upload\pdf_ubeskyttede_dk\chart" & i & ".pdf", "jpg"
i = i - 1
Next ChartObject
End Sub
This file has no problems at all,either it is executed alone, or in the master file .
What this file does :
The add-in fills some new data in the cells based on which 3 charts would be produced .

File 2-4 ( all same code, just different data from Financial database)
The data in these files has an increasing charateristic. Every day, there is a New line of Data,so the data increases! and I need to create chart everyday based on daily data. Besides this, there is a column of static history financial data ,these data are unchanged and not updated.
So there is 3 columns
1) date column
2) updating data column
3) history data column
the chart would be created by two series,updating data and history data.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
'define variables
Dim str As String
Dim str2 As String
Dim str3 As String
Dim firstdate As String
Dim Lastdate As String
Dim firstDyn As String
Dim firstdyndate As String
Dim lastdyndate As String
Dim FirstHistory As String
Dim lasthistory As String
Dim mychtobj As ChartObject
Dim rownum As Integer
Dim colnum As Integer

'updates data

Application.Run "EwUpdateAll"

' Date column -- eg.2008-01-07
firstdate = "r1c1"
Lastdate = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.End(xlDown).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1) '--since it increases everyday,so i use Usedrange

' Ecowin date column
firstDyn = "r1c2"
firstdyndate = "b272"
lastdyndate = Range(firstdyndate).End(xlDown).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1)

'History date
FirstHistory = "r1c3"
rownum = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
colnum = 3 'ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
lasthistory = ActiveSheet.Cells(rownum, colnum).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1)

'date column
str = "=Sheet1!" & firstdate & ":" & Lastdate
' ecowin column
str2 = "=Sheet1!" & firstDyn & ":" & lastdyndate

' history date column
str3 = "=Sheet1!" & FirstHistory & ":" & lasthistory

' check if chart exist
If (Range("b1").Value = 1) Then

ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("7990").Delete 'if exist,delete the old one
Range("b1").Value = ""
GoTo CHART ' creat new one

Set mychtobj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add _
(Left:=400, Width:=400, Top:=75, Height:=250)
mychtobj.CHART.ChartType = xlLine
mychtobj.CHART.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("g13")
mychtobj.CHART.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = str
mychtobj.CHART.SeriesCollection(1).Values = str2
mychtobj.CHART.SeriesCollection(2).Values = str3
mychtobj.CHART.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Sheet1"

' Set the title
With mychtobj.CHART
.HasTitle = False
'.ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "us-dk"
.HasLegend = False
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False
.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False
.Parent.Name = "7990"
End With
Range("b1").Value = 1
End If

mychtobj.CHART.Export "S:\MARKETS_INET\auto_upload\pdf_ubeskyttede_dk\toenderbank3000.pdf", "jpg"
End Sub

I don't think there is any problem in this code ,because when i run it alone, it works perfectly! But when i put it in the "Master.xls file". it won't be executed!??

here is the master.xls file ... I guess the problem is here!!!
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call timer
End Sub

'in a moduel

Sub timer()

Application.OnTime now+timevalue("01:00:00"),"runall"
End Sub

' in the same module as timer
Sub RunAll()
Dim workbook1 As Workbook
Dim workbook2 As Workbook
Dim workbook3 As Workbook
Dim workbook4 As Workbook

Set workbook1 = Workbooks.Open("S:\MARKETS_INET\file1.xls)

Set workbook2 = Workbooks.Open("S:\MARKETS_INET\file2.xls)

Set workbook3 = Workbooks.Open("S:\MARKETS_INET\file3.xls)
Set workbook4 = Workbooks.Open("S:\MARKETS_INET\file4.xls)

call timer
End Sub
as I can see , all 4 files are open and executed one by one, but only file1 got updated, file 2-4 not. Even I change the order ,I put file1.xls in the last , still only file1.xls got updated,not the other 3 ...

I reall don't know why...And another minor thing is that Although I set 1 hour,(ontime now+timevalue("01:00:00")) .still it runs many times per hour.....
but this is ok..as long as all files get updated!

Looking forward to your advice!