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View Full Version : Help me be able to use a macro on any workbook without creating a new module?

02-16-2008, 09:59 AM
How do I create a Macro that is accesible by any workbook in Excel?

I am working on some financial data sets and need to run a macro on over 50 separate workbooks. Preferably, I would like to be able to open each workbook and be able call the macro without having to create a seprate module for each workbook. I have writen it to work on any sheet and it works great. Any Suggestions?

02-17-2008, 07:25 AM
put it in personal.xls, or create an add-in from it (creating personal.xls is probably easier).

I've never used a personal.xls file, so my details may be sketchy...my understanding is that if you dont already have one in the xlstart folder, you can create one by saving a workbook with the name personal.xls, and storing in the xlstart folder. I'm sure Google can help you find instructions.

I'm not sure if the Mac is different; I suspect that for this, it is not.