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View Full Version : Solved: Problem: Data Transfer From An UserForm To An UserForm

Erdin? E. Ka
02-28-2008, 03:39 AM
Hi everybody :hi:

I have a problem;

I open an UserForm as vbModeless. I have a CommandButton on this Userform. Also, i open an another UserForm as vbModeless via click to this CommandButton on this Userform.

I find a data via typing on a TextBox on this second UserForm. Suitable datas are listing on a ListBox below then; on this ListBox i have double-click to a random data;

With this method i try to get a data from worksheet to a TextBox on the first UserForm via DblClick Event.

But there is returning an error message while i double click to a data on ListBox of the second UserForm...

I have attached my ?yeler.xls file (Uyeler.zip (http://www.vbaexpress.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=7984&d=1204195138))

I try to define my problem with step by step via 6 pictures.

Could you help me please?

Thanks in advance.

Erdin? E. Ka
02-28-2008, 03:41 AM
Pictures for define the problem step:1
01_I Open The First UserForm.jpg

Erdin? E. Ka
02-28-2008, 03:42 AM
Pictures for define the problem step:2
02_I_Open_The_Second_UserForm_via_Click_To_CommandButton(Kayitli_Uyeler).jp g

Erdin? E. Ka
02-28-2008, 03:42 AM
Pictures for define the problem step:3

Erdin? E. Ka
02-28-2008, 03:43 AM
Pictures for define the problem step:4
04_I_have_Typing_Something_To_The_TextBox_And_Suitable_Datas_Listing_To_Lis tBox_Below.jpg

Erdin? E. Ka
02-28-2008, 03:44 AM
Pictures for define the problem step:5
05_I_Have_This_Error_Message_While_I_Double_Click_To_a_Data_On_The_ListBox. jpg

Erdin? E. Ka
02-28-2008, 03:45 AM
Pictures for define the problem step:6 (End)

Erdin? E. Ka
02-28-2008, 04:00 AM
Pictures for define the problem step:1
01_I Open The First UserForm.jpg

Pictures for define the problem step:2
02_I_Open_The_Second_UserForm_via_Click_To_CommandButton(Kayitli_Uyeler).jp g

Pictures for define the problem step:3

Pictures for define the problem step:4
04_I_have_Typing_Something_To_The_TextBox_And_Suitable_Datas_Listong_To_Lis tBox_Below.jpg

Pictures for define the problem step:5
05_I_Have_This_Error_Message_While_I_Double_Click_To_a_Data_On_The_ListBox. jpg

Pictures for define the problem step:6 (End)

Erdin? E. Ka
02-28-2008, 08:49 AM
Hi everyone,
Finally we found the problem. The end of Initialize of for_uye_ekle Userform's:

FRA_00_UYE_RESMI.ForeColor = "&&H000000FF&"
row is failed. And there is the same problem at com_terket_click event.

Dear friend Haldun Alay was resolved the problem for me and its ok anymore. :)

Thanks to everyone again...