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View Full Version : Some help with userforms

02-28-2008, 07:58 PM

I have a database in Excel. I'd like to know if I can use a Userform to run calculations on that database.

There would be several list boxes where the user would choose certain parameters (name, location, moth year, etc), and based on those choices it would run calculations and display the result(s).

If this is beyond a Userforms abilities, I'm open to an suggestions. If it can be done, I need a nudge in the right direction, if at all possible.

Thank you,

Bob Phillips
02-29-2008, 01:43 AM
The answer is yes, vey easily, but as to a nudge, what do you knpow, what do you not know.

Can you create a userform?
Can you add controls (listboxes et al) in design mode?
Can you populate those controls from the data?
etc. etc.

Bob Phillips
02-29-2008, 01:45 AM
BTW, although it can be done with forms, Excel is infinitely better at it, it has lots of tools that forms don't have custom formatting, conditional formatting, data validation, pivot tables, etc., which makes life much simpler.

02-29-2008, 10:54 AM
Thanks forresponding. I can build the form and populate the list boxes and such. My problem would be, for example, if i had a "calculate" button, to have it run the code to take the different input fromthe list/text boxes, and calculate the results.

I've tried working with a pivot table, but my data is is huge--currently 2850 rows by 10 columns.

I appreciate any advice,


Bob Phillips
02-29-2008, 11:06 AM
Thanks forresponding. I can build the form and populate the list boxes and such. My problem would be, for example, if i had a "calculate" button, to have it run the code to take the different input fromthe list/text boxes, and calculate the results.

I've tried working with a pivot table, but my data is is huge--currently 2850 rows by 10 columns.

I appreciate any advice,


Where does a pivot table come into it, pivot tables are worksheet facilities not userforms.

Calculating is possible but again it is a bit of a large brief, more spcific definition would help.

02-29-2008, 02:11 PM
I'm sorry I must be having an off day. I thought that was what you were referring to in your second post(third of this thread), and I was responding to that.

I will have to work up a scaled down version of the file and re-post with more specifics.
