View Full Version : Help with making an order form

03-10-2008, 08:04 AM
Hi i need help in making an order form. I have created a products table and form which holds details about each product. I have now started to create an Order form which has an Order ID, Product ID, and other relevent fields. Now i am going to make 2 buttons at the bottom of the form which allows me to

1)New customer Button, this creates a new record which has an auto incremented Order ID

2)Add Product, which creates a new record, but has the same Order ID as the previous record(should be automatically inputted into the field 'Order ID', but has a blank field for Product ID, which from there,a new product can be added to the order. Can anyone help me with creating the code which i can add to the buttons, on the 'OnClick' part of the button? I have provided screenshots to help you understand what my form looks like.

Many thanks.Minesh