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View Full Version : Solved: Several problems with charts

03-13-2008, 09:04 AM
My workbook has about 40 worksheets. Each worksheet contains 4 rows of data with 12 values: Date(month), Occupancy percentage, Income, and Profit (all this is relative to apartment complexes). My job was to create 3 charts and fit them on the same page as the worksheet so the information could be analyzed. I have made this work, but I am having several difficulties.

The following code is the logic to produce the third of the three graphs, and it has many commented-out statements. I suspect all this is because I do not understand the chart object model. I only included this routine because the other 2 are identical, and I believe this clearly illuminates what I am doing (and not doing!).


Set Chart3 = Charts.Add

With Chart3
.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
.SetSourceData Source:=wkSheet.Range("1:1, 4:4"), PlotBy:= _
.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, name:=wkSheet.name
'.HasTitle = True
'.ChartTitle.Characters.Text = proName
'.HasDataTable = True
'.DataTable.ShowLegendKey = True
End With
'ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
'ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=wkSheet.Range("1:1,4:4"), PlotBy:= _
' xlRows
'ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, name:=proName
'ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Characters.Text = proName
'ActiveChart.HasDataTable = True
'ActiveChart.DataTable.ShowLegendKey = True

Set Chart3 = Nothing

Q1: When the macro runs, all three embedded charts are stacked on top of each other. I have to edit each worksheet and separate them. How do I do this in a macro?

Q2: After macro execution, if I do "print preview", what I see is this third chart as if it were in a worksheet by itself. I discovered by accident that if I selectd cell "A1" (or any other cell) and then did the "print preview" that the displayed screen was what I expected (the worksheet numbers with the last chart stacked on top of charts 1 & 2). I then checked and noticed that rows 1 and 4 were selected in each sheet after macro execution. The disturbing thing is that I spent a lot of time trying to fix a problem I didn't have (creating a chart sheet instead of an embedded chart). Why is this? I am assuming that I could just "select" this cell in the macro and not go through this.

Q3: The very first statement ("wkSheet.Rows($1:$1, $4:$4).Select") causes an object error. I found this statement in some code via a Google search and assumed I needed it. I then commented it out. I am puzzled mainly because I think not having this causes grief later in this snippet. Do I need this?

Q4: The "'.HasTitle" and the rest of the "With" clause all cause errors. This is why I commented them out. Because I couldn't get this to work, I had to manually go through the charts and fix them. There would have been a huge time-savings if I could have gotten this to work. What did I do wrong?

Q5: A previous version of the code used the "Charts.Add" statement instead of the "Set Chart3 = Charts.Add". So, the last set of commented-out statements ("ActiveChart.ChartType = ..." were originally used. The equivalent statements to the "With" clause also failed. That is part of the reason I switched to the "With" clause. What do I need to do to get this stuff done in the macro so I don't have to manually do it?

Bob Phillips
03-13-2008, 09:28 AM
Function jwise()
Dim chart3 As ChartObject
Dim wksheet As Worksheet
Dim proName As String

proName = "jwise"

Set wksheet = ActiveSheet
Set chart3 = wksheet.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=100, Width:=400, Top:=100, Height:=300)

With chart3.Chart
.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
.SetSourceData Source:=wksheet.Range("1:1, 4:4"), PlotBy:=xlRows
.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:=wksheet.Name
.HasTitle = True
.ChartTitle.Characters.Text = proName
.HasDataTable = True
.DataTable.ShowLegendKey = True
End With

Set chart3 = Nothing

End Function

03-13-2008, 12:11 PM
Thanks again for the coding example XLD. The problem is solved. I had previously tried to use the "ChartObject" object but had failed, so I went back to "Chart.Add" and that eventually led to all the questions.

I've turned up another issue, but since it is unrelated, I'll put it in a new query.

Thanks again for the code example.