03-17-2008, 10:14 AM
Hi i have a situation which i am unsure about how to over come. I have 2 fields in my form which has to be saved into my Order Table. But it is not doing that. I have been told to insert the 2 fields from the order table and 2 fields from the products table which are exactly the same into a form, then hide the products fields, and equate the order fields to the products field. This should save data into my table. I have currently tried, =[2Products].[Description] into the order field.This should save the value held in the products table called description, into my Order table with the field called Descripton. I have attached an image to help you understand what i am trying to say. Please can anyone help me, Many Thanks.

03-17-2008, 11:56 AM
Im confused by what you want, so I through out a few soultions:
add the hidden value to a table you can add a table entry for that field in the table then link the two under the field proporties for hidden fields control source.
You could use a insert query to add the value to the table if the controle souce is a formula, which would be Format: INSERT INTO TableName (fld1, fld2,....fldn)

Hope this helps

Carl A
03-17-2008, 02:33 PM
Set your control source to the text box you want.
