View Full Version : Solved: Check cell for text

03-31-2008, 12:39 PM
I know how to make an If statement for a case where a cell = a certain value but how can I set up an if statemement depending on looking inside the cell for partial text.

I have 4 possible headers that change at the users Whim. I need to be able to read what's in there to decide what to do with the values below the headers.
Example Headers: "Min Transmitance" , "Max Transmitance" , "Average Transmitance"

THe problem is that it might not always be worded that way, so I only want to see if the cell contains the word Min, Max, Average... etc. How do I do this?

03-31-2008, 12:43 PM
Maybe something like this



03-31-2008, 12:52 PM
I need this code to be in VBA sintax Lenze. I'm going to run a string comparison with using * before and after the values.. such as

for each rngcount in masterH
if rngcount = empty then
end if
elseif rngcount = *min* then...
elseif rngcount = *max* then ....

I don't think it will work exactly as written.. but I think the concept is there.. just not syntax

Erdin? E. Ka
03-31-2008, 12:59 PM
Check this code sample;

Sample Values:
A1: Min Transmitance
B1: Erdin? E. Kara?am
C1: Max Transmitance
D1: MrAshton
E1: Average Transmitance

Sub MrAshton()
Dim CLL As Range
For Each CLL In Range("A1:E1")
If UBound(Split(CLL, "Max")) > 0 _
Or UBound(Split(CLL, "Min")) > 0 _
Or UBound(Split(CLL, "Average")) > 0 Then
MsgBox CLL.Address(0, 0)
End If
End Sub

Returning Result is:

Bob Phillips
03-31-2008, 01:06 PM
For Each rngcount In masterH

If Instr(rngcount, "min") > then...

ElseIf Instr(rngcount, "max") > 0 Then ...

End If
Next rngcount

03-31-2008, 01:16 PM
Awesome, I was able to use this
If UBound(Split(rngcount, "Average")) > 0 then
<my formula goes here>
elseif UBound(Split(rngcount, "Max")) > 0 then
<other formula goes here>
elseif UBound(Split(rngcount, "Min")) > 0 then
<yet another formula here>

I've never seen UBound before, Thanks Er

03-31-2008, 01:17 PM
Oh it would appear that either method works. Good ol VBA and it's many ways of accomplishing the same thing. Thanks Guys!

Erdin? E. Ka
03-31-2008, 01:26 PM
Not at all MrArston,
Also Bob's solution is awesome too.

By the way, i agree your comments about VBA.

Take care.