View Full Version : end slide show help...?

04-05-2008, 01:52 AM
Well here is what im trying to do....im creating a simple jeopardy slideshow in powerpoint, and i know visual basic to a extent (more so with excel than anything)

ive tried the internal help files but its just not working. currently in the simple test code phase, so that i dont build a huge program and then bam one line of code dont work...

anyhow, when i hit the esc key to exit the slide show, how do i get values of labels/textboxes to a default value so that everytime you run the slideshow its a default value?

i have a label for the team names, when you click the label it pops up a user form that you enter the team name in a text box hit accept and the label reflects what you entered...ok all that is fine and dandi and works good. But when i hit esc the values entered are permanent, i would like the label boxes go back to the default text of "click here to enter" when i hit that esc key.

this is also valuable to me so that when i hit esc all my buttons i am going to enter will return from disabled to enabled (coding i can do once i find the initial code)...as well as values colors etc..

it sounds simple to me since im used to excel using the open command in VB, but im at a loss at how to do it in powerpoint...my only work around is a reset button which i dont mind using but i think to me looks tacky

much thanks...