View Full Version : Solved: programable change subforms color

04-05-2008, 07:58 PM
I am trying to change a subforms color (for end user enjoyment and I am having problems changing the backcolor of the subform, I have checked and there is a backcolor proporty for the subform under details
I Have tried:

Forms![Form1]![Form Preview]BackColor = Me.Color.BackColor ' which does not change the back color of the form
' or this doesn't work either ;
'Forms![Form1]![Form Preview].Detail.BackColor = Me.Color.BackColor

but I have tested this on a text box on the form , and the text box color does change
Forms![Form1]![Form Preview]![Text2].BackColor = Me.Color.BackColor

I I try to change [Label0] on the subform It will not change with .backcolor, but if I use .forecolor the text will correctly change color, just thaught I'd though that out there.
Thanks for helping

04-07-2008, 01:57 PM
I figured this out, and I just created an allusion:
I put a rectangle on the form, and inside the rectangle I put the text and label boxes I wanted , so it still looks like a subform to an end user but .. its not. and just referred to the controles on the main form , eliminating the subform