View Full Version : Dynamic Image in unbound Image Frame

04-15-2008, 03:22 PM
I am trying to set an image frame and allow the user to select an Image but it is not working, and if not image is selected I would Like the frame to contain a form within the same Db.
I don't see a control proporty that will allow me to do this.
Thanks for helping
the size of the image inside the frame will be adjusted with code later.

04-15-2008, 05:45 PM
I can set an image with Image box but need help with if there is no imagepath in Db, I would like to display a form in my current db in the image box, but I think I would need to make a box with a default image and an image box.. do somthing like if imgbox isNull then imgbox.visible = false & Me.default squer. visible = true ( not syntax is not exact here, if anyone has any other Idea's please let me know

04-16-2008, 03:17 AM
so long as the image filesize isn't too large, you could always hide the images and make them visible depending on what the user selects.

Or you could use a web browser object and change the url depending on what the user selects.

04-16-2008, 07:51 AM
Thanks OTWarrior, .... I like your Tag line, but confusin them by explainin code is about 80% of the people out there