View Full Version : Extended use of VLOOKUP function

04-23-2008, 02:38 AM
Hello everybodySometimes, I have to struggle with my data a lot. Currently I am trying to extract data from a number of selective columns of the source sheet into a target sheet.VLOOKUP function helps me retrieve data from a single column only. I intend to retrive data from more than one column, based on the same Lookup Value, in one go.I will apprciate any help - doing it programmatically or using just a formula.

04-23-2008, 03:13 AM
You could use the 'Find' method to locate the cell in the relative column and then retrieve the desired range from that cell's row.

Maybe post a sample file, adding some comments about which column contains the LookupValue and what column cells you want to retrieve, what do you do with them after retrieval etc.

I take it you speak VBA :) ?

Bob Phillips
04-23-2008, 03:44 AM
Multiple VLOOKUPs with different offsets.

04-23-2008, 04:52 AM
Do you want the data from muliple columns returned to just one column or to multiple columns? If it's to multiple columns, you can use MATCH to get the row number, and then use INDEX with the row number to return the data from whichever column you want. It's more efficient than doing the same row lookup repeatedly. If you want the data returned to one column you would either need to concatenate multiple INDEX functions, or use code.