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View Full Version : Solved: links in formulas to other files problem

04-30-2008, 12:36 PM
I have a problem. When I change the file to a new folder location the formula wants to reference the original file folder
I created a formula that works but in the formula if you look at the file location its E:\My Documents\TRAP\20Apr08\[TodaysTrap.xls] but I only need it to reference "TodaysTrap.xls" the actual file.

This file has a basic template and I link the certain data from "todaytrap.xls" to fill in the blanks.

I have highlighted the problem area of my formula.
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP($A20,'E:\My Documents\TRAP\20Apr08\[TodaysTrap.xls]Singles'!$A$2:$K$101,2,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP($A20,'E:\My Documents\TRAP\20Apr08\[TodaysTrap.xls]Singles'!$A$2:$K$101,2,FALSE))

Win XP
Excel 2000

Mike in Wisconsin

04-30-2008, 01:22 PM
Update references to a workbook that has been renamed or moved

Open the workbook that contains the formula with the external reference (http://javascript<b></b>:HelpPopup('xltip9.hlp','IDH_xldefExternalReference');) that refers to the renamed or moved workbook.

On the Edit menu, click Links.

In the Source file box, click the name of the workbook for which you want to update the reference.

Click Change Source.
In the Change Links dialog box, click the workbook you want to refer to.
3. Make sure your worksheet is unprotected that why I asked this question. I faild to unprotect my worksheet .