View Full Version : Copying Data from Word to Excel

05-17-2008, 09:38 AM
I've some text typed on a word document by an user. He does type the content one after another and in some specific format (say like a template). After he finishes typing, he will copy and paste it somewhere.

What i need to do is to capture certain words in the text selected and copied by the user (when he copies or when he makes some keystroke) and place them in a row in an Excel sheet (which already contains some macros) that is already open.

The user will create a new Word document daily for typing and need not save the contents that he has typed. How can this be done?

I'm a beginner to Word macros, so it wud be helpful if someone can get me some content to learn about Word macros and guide me where to code for this macro and how to do it.

:dunno :help