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View Full Version : Excel

05-19-2008, 07:39 AM
:banghead: Hello I need to know how to combine sheets from many workbooks into one workbook. I have searched the net for utilities but have have come up with nothing that could actually do what i want. I have 110 "resumexxxx.xls" files in a folder; I need to combine all of them into one excel workbook.
please help.
NB i am a novice to VBA programming, in fact programming in general:dunno

Thank You
Fox Man

05-19-2008, 07:48 AM
Here's a good place to start:



Simon Lloyd
05-19-2008, 11:06 AM
FoxMan welcome to VBAX, in order for you to get the help you need please click the edit, then Go Advanced button on your post and change the title to something that better describes your problem as the one you have now is non descriptive and doesn't entice a would be helper to read your post.

Check out the kb here for an answer to your question.