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View Full Version : making define name ranges to work for other worksheets

05-28-2008, 12:08 PM

I am having trouble in trying to contact any other worksheet i create via the ADD grey button macro row c6.....

The only one that i have managed to get working is the "Iderdrola" worksheet...........

cannot get the NWA to work.........

The "Iberdrola" worksheet automatically changes values as the data in worksheet "Modelling (Vol)" chnages......BUT non of the other worksheet(s)

05-29-2008, 05:34 AM

At first glance, this question looks very similar to: http://www.experts-exchange.com/Q_23440690.html.

You've been warned about cross-posting before, so apologies in advance for not giving you the benefit of the doubt, but please help us understand how this question and the question I referred to above are different.