View Full Version : Outlook 2003 auto reply

05-29-2008, 09:23 AM
I was just wondering if anyone knows how to set up auto reply only when i OPEN an email not when i receive it.

I'm using exchange server and outlook 2003.

Thank you for your help.

05-30-2008, 09:27 AM
HI Gilbert,
Welcome to the board. AFAIK Outlook does not specify a "MailOpen" event. Probably the second best solution would be to give your self a custom button that you can just click when you open the mail. But if wanted to do a little more work you could replace the open buttons in the interface with ones that call a MailOpen event then execute the Open action (or vice-versa) but that won't help you if you (like me) just double click the item.

Edit: Another thing that might work, but would be a little more advanced, would be to this:
In the startup event record the "Opened" status of every item. Start a timer that calls a function that updates the status. If the status is different now then it was on startup then call your MailOpen sub. Kill the timer on close.