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View Full Version : Macro screw ups

06-02-2008, 11:57 AM
INITIAL admission - this is crossposting. I couldn't get a reply on the Mr Excel message board & so I'm trying here - is that okay? If not ignore below...

For reasons I cannot fathom, my personal macros, which were nicely assigned to buttons on my toolbar and which did really difficult things like toggling between manual and auto calc, no longer seem to work properly. If I use the 'Open Office Document' dialog box then even though I have a macro worksheet in the xlstart folder, the macros on the command bar become assigned to a directory reference rather than the open worksheet. Consequently, Excel tells me the worksheet is already open and it won't run the macro. I have no idea why this is now happening since it never used to. I can get the macros to work by terminating the hidden worksheet or by manually reassigning but this seems rather bizarre and is a real pain.

Instead of simply referring to the PMAC.xls macro (my personal macro) worksheet, when I examine each button the macro source has some reference like...


As a quick fix, I can reassign the macros to the open worksheet, but then after I close and reopen later, the same problem reoccurs. Even more bizarrely, If I open a workbook using the 'New Office Document' dialog box (load a blank worksheet and then load the one I want to work on), then the Macros work fine.

Can anyone let me know what's going on, and even better why its changed?


Simon Lloyd
06-02-2008, 12:27 PM
Thanks for declaring its a cross post - most folk don't!, the correct way however is to provide a link to your other post(s).

What version of Office are you using?

06-02-2008, 12:35 PM
My other post is here...

06-02-2008, 12:36 PM
Office XP is the version.

06-02-2008, 01:25 PM
Problem solved! But reason for problem still a mystery...

Details below.


06-02-2008, 03:08 PM
I am posting here because I don?t have an account on MR. Excel, but if your personal workbook is on a portable hard drive, then when you remove the drive and plug it back in, it doesn?t always get the same letter address, a thumb drive or a second portable drive can steal its original Letter. Thus any links to this workbook, get messed up.

This address changing has caused me trouble in other applications, so I would say its probably the cause of your trouble with excel. Your best bet is to move your personal workbook back on to your internal hard drive, unless it absolutely must be on the external.