View Full Version : my headings don't increment above heading5

06-03-2008, 06:22 AM

i have a little problem with the automated heading generation of word.
I'm using the function
Appli.Selection.style = doc.Styles(Format)

Where 'Format' contains a string ranging from 'Heading 1' to 'Heading 9'
So what happens is that the current selection always becomes a heading of the selected number. Untill there very good.
So Word automatically keeps track of the number of headings that have already been output, and increments by one every time a new heading is created.
But when i reach 'Heading 6', that count doesn't work anymore, and i have no idea what's wrong...
so what i see is something like this :

1. ... heading 1
1.1 .... heading 2
1.2... automatically incrementing heading 2
1.2.1 ... heading 3 heading 4 incrementing heading 4 automatically incrementing heading 4 level 5 incrementing heading 5
then when i reach heading 6 : everything is reset, but only for headers higher than 5
because then afterwards when i go under heading six again, the count contues normal : incrementing heading 5

I really have no clue how this could happen. I know that a function exists to reset the counters, but i don't use that + then all the headings after the heading 6 should have lost their count too.

Can anybody help me please? Thanks very much!