View Full Version : if any cell in a row = > 70 Generate email Alert

06-03-2008, 10:30 AM

I am trying to create a number of changes to an existing workbook. I am hoping that it is possible to do this. I am newb with VBA (should make a t-shirt that reads that) I would like for an email to be generated should any cell or a series of cells within a row contain a score of 70 or less. It would be good if the subject line read Low Grade for xxx course which would reflect the column header's name for where it occurred.

Is this possible?

06-03-2008, 10:46 AM
Didn't you post this same question earlier?

search email macro

and yea it's possible

and go back and answer your original thread too or delete it if you're going to just ask the same ? in this one.

06-03-2008, 10:50 AM
and you're saying you just want an email that simply states "There are one or more cells with a value less than 70."

06-03-2008, 12:44 PM
Hey Gavin,

Thanks for your reply... I am glad it can be done. I would like the email to read a little more than that. I would want it to generate something to the effect that " a student has received a failing grade in one or more subject areas, please refer to the identification number:

Where the ID number is a hyperlink to a particular student (identified by the row) I have other concerns but at this point it would be great to figure this part out for now.

ps. I will go back and delete original post as it was pretty messy....

I will attach the file...the file that would sit on the shared drive.....I have a replica of this that allows the grades entered on this file to update onto another workbooks sheet but the file is too large to update.

06-03-2008, 12:57 PM
It seems to me that you need to provide us with more information. Do you want multiple emails sent? One for each grade greater than the 70% point? If so, who do you want the email to go to? I don't see any section that shows emails addresses in your template. There are also a few different ways of sending emails from Excel.
1. Is the built in sendmail, which sends a copy of the workbook.(Which doesn't sound like it will work for you.)
2. Use the outlook object to send the mail with just text.(This will run into security issues with Outlook asking if you want to allow an outside program to send mail)
3. Use a class to create and send and SMTP message.(This is the most complex, but also the most flexible, and you will need an SMTP server to use it.)
