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View Full Version : Solved: Getting Rid of an Annoying Feature in Excel

06-06-2008, 05:23 PM
The nature of the Excel sheets that I use requires me to manually change the value of certain cells that are near the left and right side of the screen. What annoys me is that changing the value of one of these ?edge? cells causes the sheet to be shifted left an unpredictable amount when I modify a ?right edge? cell, and shift right after changing a ?left edge? cell. I?m sure the designers think that?s a big help, but it drives me crazy,

My question, how do I make it stop sheet shifting? :banghead:

06-06-2008, 07:19 PM
1. Buy a larger monitor???

2. On the laptop I'm working on right now at 100% zoom, I can see A-U plus most of V. If I change V, the screen shifts left.

If I select cols A-V and change Zoom = Selection, entering data in V does not cause the shift.

There is a VBA equivalent for manually setting the Zoom, something like

ActiveWindow.Zoom = True

Maybe you could generalize this to make it suit


06-06-2008, 08:34 PM
You could set zoom to used area or the column width of used area anyways maybe

06-06-2008, 08:35 PM
Set you resolution higher you mean? :devil2:

1. Buy a larger monitor???


06-06-2008, 10:10 PM
Set you resolution higher you mean? :devil2:

if he cant set his resolution higher, the only option is to buy a bigger screen (with higher resolution)

06-06-2008, 10:31 PM
I've been trying to mimic this problem, and I'm failing. When I click a cell on the outer edge and type values the screen only shifts so that cell is fully in view no further. It seems anything but unpredictable. Maybe I'm missing something here??

The nature of the Excel sheets that I use requires me to manually change the value of certain cells that are near the left and right side of the screen. What annoys me is that changing the value of one of these ?edge? cells causes the sheet to be shifted left an unpredictable amount when I modify a ?right edge? cell, and shift right after changing a ?left edge? cell. I?m sure the designers think that?s a big help, but it drives me crazy,

My question, how do I make it stop sheet shifting? :banghead:

06-07-2008, 10:11 AM
Upon further investigation I found that the shift does NOT occur when I alter a cell on the left edge on the screen. The leftmost column on the screen always shows a full column width. Entering a value into that column has no shifting effect.

It seems like altering a ?right edge? cell causes a left shift of the screen with an amount that guarantees that the left edge of the leftmost column always aligns with the left edge of the screen.

Assumming that you went to TOOLS->OPTIONS->EDIT and selected ?move selection after enter? and chose ?right?, then every time you enter something into a cell, then the cursor will move right by one cell. If that cell is too large to be fully displayed, then the display will shift left until that ?next right? cell is fully displayed. THIS is why the screen shifts left . . . so it can fully display that ?next right? cell. If I uncheck the ?move selection after enter? option, then no screen shifting occurs.

I suppose I could use the ?selection change? event to detect whenever I alter a ?right edge? cell and disable the ?move selection after enter? option. That gets too complicated, so I?ll just live with the annoyance.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

06-08-2008, 03:28 AM
A bit fiddly I think, to detect a right column cell, but if you did, you could use ScrollColumn to adjust the display.

Ken Puls
06-09-2008, 09:20 PM
if he cant set his resolution higher, the only option is to buy a bigger screen (with higher resolution)

That's not quite true. There is a zoom setting, so he could set his view to something less than the standard 100% if he wanted. I think this might be a moot point though, as this sounds like an issue that plagues him no matter which column is at right.

06-09-2008, 10:51 PM
Reduce the zoom ratio (ie zooming out) to fit more columns in your screen. Alternatively, hold the Ctrl key and use the scroll wheel on top of your mouse to control the zooming effect.

Hope this helps.
