View Full Version : organizing my contacts

06-13-2008, 12:21 PM
i am sorry if this question has been asked befor, but i didn't find it on a quick search of the forum, so here it is.

i have not done anything with outlook contacts, i have done some minor code with mail, but am have generaly stayed away from coding in Outlook. i am asuming this can be done.

we have a corprage contacts list, which resides on a shared drive. what i have been tasked with is going through the contacts and to standardize the formats. so i am looking to write code, that will go through and flage any contact that is;
not filed as last, first middle
has a space in one of its names

i am assuming that this can be done with the contactitem object, but i am not sure how to get it to loop through a shared directory. and i dont know how the fileas object works.

as always any help would be greatly appreciated.